About Nepal Diabetic Society

Nepal Diabetic Society (NDS) was established on 30th November 1990 AD. Credit goes to Dr. Mrigendra Raj Pandey, Senior Consultant Cardiologist and a renowned social worker, who alongwith some equally dedicated fellow friends took initiative to form a Society to work for the prevention and treatment of diabetic patients in Nepal. Since the inception, the Society has consequently been working for the well-being of the diabetic patients and also for prevention and control of diabetes.

Recently the NDS has successfully celebrated its Silver Jubilee with a grand function attended by a large number of Society members, supporters, social dignitaries and so on. The function was inaugurated by former President His Excellency Dr. Ram Baran Yadav, the first president of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal on 9th April 2016.

The Society is known as one of the pioneer organizations 0f Nepal working in the field of diabetes. It is a non-profit and non-governmental organization and run solely by dedicated volunteers. All members of the Society including the Executive Members and Advisors offer voluntary services and receive no emoluments whatsoever. It is registered with both the Government and the Social Welfare Council of Nepal.

Executive Committee and Honourable Members

Doctor's List

News & Events

The Company Has Launched A Joint Venture With Three Tower

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